Linux, Open Source & Unrelated Topics by Paul Barker

Open Source License Compliance with AGL

Tags: conference-talk, yocto

I gave a talk on License Compliance with Automotive Grade Linux (AGL) and Yocto Project at the AGL All Member Meeting Spring 2021. This was a virtual conference due to the pandemic.

Slides from this talk are available in PDF format.


If you distribute a product that runs an open source software stack such as Automotive Grade Linux (AGL) then you have obligations to fulfill under the GPL and other open source licenses. Thankfully, AGL is built upon the Yocto Project which provides tooling to help you achieve this.

Paul will present an overview of the license compliance tools available to users of AGL and show how they can be used. Paul will highlight best practices to follow and potential pitfalls to avoid. Paul will discuss how to handle modern programming languages such as Go, Javascript, and Rust and how to deal with common concerns such as commercially licensed media codecs and GPLv3 licensed software components. He will also bring the audience up to date with the latest developments and ongoing upstream work in Yocto Project which will be available to AGL users in the future. This talk will not give legal advice.
