Linux, Open Source & Unrelated Topics by Paul Barker

An Overview of the Hash Equivalence & PR Services

Tags: conference-talk, yocto

I gave a talk on the hash equivalence and package revision (PR) services in Yocto Project at the Yocto Project Summit 2021.11.

Slides from this talk are available in PDF format.


This talk will give an overview of the Yocto Project's Hash Equivalence Service (hashserv) and PR Service (prserv). The use cases for these tools will be explored and a demo of each will be given. The new features added to these services since the initial dunfell release in April 2020 will then be discussed, highlighting the read-only modes and the support for connecting to an upstream service. The new features will be demonstrated and the new use cases which these features enable will be presented. Finally, possible future developments will be discussed.

This talk will be appropriate for attendees familiar with bitbake but with no prior knowledge of these services. It will also be useful to those with experience using these services who are unfamiliar with the new features added since the dunfell release.


When bitbake looks at the inputs for a build task (the recipe, inherited classes, relevant variables set by conf files and the inputs of other relevant build tasks), a hash of the input data is generated. This is the basis of the Shared State (sstate) caching provided by bitbake - if in a future build the hash of the input data for a build task is the same, the previously generated sstate can be reused instead of re-running the build task. This allows for significant time savings in subsequent builds once the sstate cache is populated.

The Hash Equivalence Service (hashserv) is a standalone service developed within the bitbake project which can further improve sstate re-use. It maintains a database of input hashes for build tasks and the hashes of their output data. Traditionally, if the input hash for a build task changes then all dependent tasks need to be re-executed even if the output data from the first task is identical. However with hashserv enabled, bitbake can detect the case where output data from a task is identical to a previous execution and it can mark the two different input hashes as equivalent. This allows dependent tasks to be skipped where sstate data is available for the previous input hash, potentially giving significant improvements in sstate re-use and corresponding reductions in build time.


The PR Service (prserv) is a standalone service developed within the bitbake project which maintains a database of input hashes for build tasks and a corresponding package revision (PR) value. This allows bitbake to ensure that the package revision increments each time a recipe is rebuilt with different input data. This in turn ensures that on-device package upgrades work as expected when a package is rebuilt
